Undergoing surgery and the subsequent recovery period can be physically and emotionally difficult. The length of the recovery process is unique to each individual and is influenced by a variety of factors such as the specific type of surgery, your overall state of health, the presence of reliable medical support, and your willingness to regain your well-being. Personal determination. , It is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire treatment journey, including measures you can take at home to facilitate your recovery. It is important to follow your surgeon’s pre-operative and post-operative instructions in this regard. Additionally, you may want to explore some of these strategies to speed up your recovery within the comfort of your own home.

With unwavering patience and a positive mindset, you will find yourself growing stronger with each passing day. Before you realize it, you will be back to your regular routine, enjoying your normal activities once again. The activities you do in the days and weeks after surgery play an important role in speeding up the healing process. Here are six essential steps to follow during your recovery after surgery:

Follow your doctor’s guidance

This is a message you’ll probably hear often, but it’s undeniably important. Medical experts have gained valuable knowledge from patients who choose to follow their prescribed instructions. It is important to note that these recommendations are made with a purpose.

Although some guidelines may seem restrictive, such as avoiding activities such as swimming, bathing or lifting heavy objects in the first few weeks after surgery, it is wise not to neglect your doctor’s advice. Instead, consider taking a proactive approach by connecting with your healthcare provider to learn the reasoning behind each instruction.

Prioritize adequate rest

After any significant surgical procedure, it is important to remain in bed for at least 24 to 48 hours, with some surgeries requiring even longer periods of bed rest. Anesthesia requires the patient to lie flat for at least 8 hours without disturbing himself. Listen to your body and take a nap if you start feeling tired, making sure you walk at a slower pace than your normal routine. By taking a gradual approach your body will be able to signal when it is ready to return to your regular activities.

When facing a long recovery period, you may be tempted to catch up on work or tackle errands, but it’s important to keep in mind the guidance given by your surgeon before resuming your busy schedule. .

be active

Even though you may experience some discomfort, it is essential to maintain your level of physical activity. Depending on the nature of your surgery, your healthcare provider may recommend physical therapy after surgery or encourage you to incorporate gentle, low-impact movements into your daily routine.

No need to worry, you don’t have to engage in a marathon. A simple walk can significantly increase blood circulation and speed up the healing process. A walk in your local neighborhood or a quiet nearby area is recommended, but not with the intensity of exercise. You can do this without significantly increasing your heart rate. However, if you experience dizziness, fatigue or nausea, it is advisable to stop and rest.

maintain proper hydration

To start, prioritize adequate hydration. Normal daily water intake for most adults is between 10 and 15 cups. A basic rule of staying well hydrated is straightforward: Drink plain water when your body signals thirst, and do not use any other fluids. Additionally, consuming juice or other fluids will increase hydration. Including fruits and vegetables in your diet can contribute to your overall hydration. Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, grapes, zucchini and celery.

Eat nutrient-rich foods

During the recovery process, it is important to include foods rich in essential nutrients like protein, vitamin C and B12 that aid in healing. If you follow a plant-based diet, sources of energetic protein include tofu and beans. Increase your vitamin C intake with citrus fruits, berries, cantaloupe and kale. Additionally, foods like broccoli, papaya and cauliflower are excellent choices for vitamin C. Constipation is common after surgery due to reduced mobility. This is because medications prescribed after surgery may slow down bowel movements. A major way to prevent constipation is to get enough fiber. This is especially true of insoluble fiber which increases the movement of stool through the digestive tract.

For vegetarians and vegans, sources of vitamin B-12 can be found in fortified cereals, fortified plant-based milks, and nutritional yeast. Including healthy fats in your diet is also essential to strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of infection. Consider including healthy fat sources like olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. Fats provide sustained energy, and many nuts, such as almonds, are rich in vitamin E, which helps speed wound healing and reduce scarring.

Prioritize adequate wound care

Pay close attention to your surgical site and make sure it receives proper care. Choose clothing that will not irritate the surgical area. Follow the dressing change instructions provided, and be alert for any signs of infection. If you experience itching or other discomfort, contact your doctor immediately for appropriate treatment.

Additionally, be careful to protect scar tissue from sun exposure, as newly formed scar tissue lacks pigmentation and is more susceptible to damage from UV rays. Use sunscreen specifically recommended by your healthcare provider to protect your healing wounds.

Successfully completing the post-surgery recovery journey depends on your commitment to following your healthcare provider’s instructions and diligently attending your follow-up medical appointments.

Additionally, actions like taking care of your incision, ensuring proper nutrition and hydration to rebuild your strength, and effectively managing any pain or discomfort you experience are equally important.

Remember that the healing process after surgery can take a long time. It’s important to strike a balance by avoiding overexertion, paying attention to your body’s signals, and giving yourself the rest you need when you need it.

(Dr. Srikant HS Jindal is the Assistant Chief Medical Officer at NatureCure Institute)

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