Have you ever wondered why we are constantly reminded to stay hydrated, even when we don’t feel particularly thirsty? It’s all based on the fact that our bodies are constantly losing water through processes like sweating and urination. Water also plays an important role in a variety of vital bodily functions, such as flushing out bacteria, aiding digestion, delivering nutrients to our cells, preventing constipation, and maintaining the delicate balance of electrolytes (especially sodium). So, it’s clear that we need to replenish lost fluids by drinking plenty of water, but how much?

How much water should you drink daily?

The “eight glass water rule” has been a popular guideline in the health and fitness world for some time. This rule states that we should aim to drink eight glasses of water a day. But here’s the problem: This rule isn’t the same for everyone. The ideal amount of water you need may depend on several factors, including your lifestyle, gender, age, activity level, and other factors.

The eight glass water rule: a starting point

While the eight-glass rule is a decent starting point, your water needs are unique to you, so it’s important to consult a healthcare professional to determine your exact needs. If your lifestyle is sedentary, you work in an air-conditioned environment and you do not sweat much, then drinking two to two and a half liters of water daily will be sufficient. Drinking more than this can harm you over-hydration,

Expert Insights on Water Intake

Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood recommends consuming 2.5 liters of water per day to effectively meet the water deficit. She emphasizes that dehydration can cause problems like severe headaches and mood swings, even when people don’t drink enough water. However, individuals with higher activity levels, such as athletes or those engaged in intense workouts, may require more water due to water loss through sweat.

Consultant nutritionist Dr Rupali Dutta suggests that the rule of drinking eight glasses or just four glasses in the morning has no strong scientific basis. Instead, she recommends a guideline of 35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. The primary goal is to stay adequately hydrated at all times, which becomes even more important during the summer months.


It is important to drink the right amount of water.
Photo Credit: iStock

When to drink water for maximum benefits?

Morning hydration: Drinking water after waking up in the morning helps energize your internal organs and prepare your body for the day ahead.

After workout: After exercising, hydrating helps regulate your heart rate and aids recovery.

Before eating: You can consume water about half an hour before meals to improve digestion Avoid overeating.

after eating: The same rule applies. Ideally, you should give your body half an hour to digest the food you have eaten and then consume water.

Time of day: Vasant Lad’s Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies suggests drinking the most water during the hottest part of the day, i.e. from morning to evening.

health issues: Your body gives you signals to let you know it needs water. Firstly, the color of urine, dark yellow can indicate dehydration. Dry cracked lips are one of the indicators of a dehydrated body. Try to drink more water in these circumstances.

If you feel unwell: Proper hydration is important to aid your body’s function and recovery when you are sick.

when feeling tired: Drinking water when you’re tired can help re-energize your system and give it a much-needed boost.

How to drink water:

1. Sit down to drink

Suggests to sit and drink water. Drinking water while standing can disturb the balance of body fluids. If you drink while sitting, your muscles are more relaxed to reap the benefits better.

2. Avoid swallowing it

Ayurvedic expert Dr. Akhilesh Sharma warns against drinking large amounts of water in a single breath. It is better to drink water slowly while breathing normally.

3. Room temperature over cold water

Icy cold water is not good for digestion. Instead, drink room temperature or moderately cold water during hot days. According to Dr. Akhilesh, hot water is even better as it helps control cholesterol levels.

Water is indeed essential for our survival. Don’t ignore and hydrate yourself properly.

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